Personal Eye Health Featured in NY Times
"What We’re Not Looking After: Our Eyes"Vision is 80% of our sensory connection to the world and is fundamental in developed societies. The New York Times recognizes the need for good eyesight in order for you to be able to read its product.
Ginkgo Biloba for Eye Health
Ginkgo biloba is the only tree that survived the Northern Ice Age. It has no known pathogens and its leaves and berries have a compound that acts as a cerebrovascular dilator. This means that Ginko extract can increase the blood flow to the brain, head and eyes. Since glaucoma damage may result form either high eye pressure or poor blood flow to the eye (especially at night), this potent... -
Getting Rid of That Bad Boy Blephartis
Blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelids. The usual causes are dryness, staph bacteria and too much oil. The tear film is comprised of mucus, oil and water. The lachrymal glands produce the bulk of the tears which is liquid. The oil glands inside each of the eyelids secrete the oil to delay evaporation of the watery tears. The symptoms of blepharitis include lid swelling and redness, blocked oil glands,... -
The Heartache of Heartburn
Stomach acid is essential for absorbing nutrients as well as reducing harmful bacteria and candidias from the digestive track. Typically, physicians are prescribing antacid medication such as H2 antagonists in order to reduce acid reflux also known as GERD. But are the long term use of these agents really good for us? Heartburn is not caused by excess stomach acid. Rather it is due to relaxation of the lower... -
BBC Reports On Eye Chip For Blindness
"Implanted Chip 'Allows Blind People to Detect Objects'"Dr. A's Eye Advisory has brought you breakthrough news on bionic eyes! Check out this amazing article on implanted chips providing sight to the blind!
Vitamins Reduce The Risk of AMD
Once again another study supports vitamin supplementation reducing the chances of developing age-related macular degeneration. Fletcher and colleagues reported last year that seniors who had significant sunlight exposure (short blue wavelengths in particular) and low blood levels of antioxidants increased the risk of AMD almost 4 times. Whereas, those with ample serum vitamin C, vitamin E and zeaxanthin experienced greater protection. Studies have now shown that essential fatty acids... -
The Eyes Have It
Our eyes are the windows to the rest of the body. Their health is dependent on the health of all of our parts. In fact, the liver processes foods, stores important nutrients, removes toxins and is the key organ for eye health. The eyes are not only the conveyer of vision but also reflect abnormalities elsewhere. Pupillary reactions, eye movements and optic nerve appearance can indicate brain damage, stroke,... -
Not a Wet Eye in the House
Everyone experiences dry eyes from time to time whether it’s in an airplane, a dry bedroom an office building or even all of the time. Dry eyes are related to the fact the tear film is not sufficient under particular circumstances. People often stare while driving or using a computer, may not be able to blink completely or take medication which dehydrates them. Believe it or not we may... -
Risk vs Benefit
Since 1975, the mortality rate from all cancers, excluding skin cancer, has gone down 8%. In that same period of time, the mortality rate from heart disease has gone down 60%. The reason for this lies in the fact that research funds have been directed toward treating disease and end-stage conditions in cancer patients, whereas most of the money for heart disease has been allocated towards risk reduction and...