How to Care for Your Eyes (And Choose a Quality Doctor)
You need to feel comfortable, important and included in your eye and general medical examination. No one knows your body better than you do. You already have insights into your deficiencies and healing techniques that have proven helpful in the past.

I am often asked how to select a physician in someone’s hometown. That is, as you probably have already found out, a difficult task. There really is no directory for holistic doctors. There are many competent and skilled ophthalmologists and optometrists, but you may have to convert them into becoming open-minded physicians. The current healthcare environment does not reward or subsidize listening and observing patients.

Therefore, it is a good idea to choose a doctor as you would for any other important decision. If people will interview pediatricians for their child, why won’t they interview doctors for themselves? Write down your thoughts and questions before presenting them. If you can’t get answers during the initial office visit, arrange a telephone call at a convenient time for you both, or have the physician fax his or her response to you.

Your doctor (and his technicians or office staff) should know your medications, supplements and diet. Some foods, such as spinach for  its vitamin K content, may interfere with blood thinners. Some supplements, such as ginkgo, kava kava or St. John’s wort, may interact with certain medications. And most synthetic drugs have side effects. Inform your pharmacist what you are taking, as well.

Some physicians may cut corners to increase productivity at the expense of quality patient care. But there are many who continue to provide excellent care despite the economic downturn. Make sure you are in control and selective when choosing your healthcare providers.

There are always new advances in eye care, but you must be aware of your personal health and take charge of your own care. Your ophthalmologist must become aware of your needs before prescribing medication, tests and even surgery. This quest takes effort on your part, but will yield a lifetime of positive results. Seek interactive care.