Tips to Improve Your Eyesight… And Your Overall Health!
Only you know the components of your daily life and only you can figure out how they relate to your vision and general health.  I have created the term NEWBARS as a guide for healthy recommendations.

Dietary choices are the first line of defense against illness. Choose the foods that are rich in essential nutrients and minimize the ones that compromise your cellular defenses. Drink plenty of filtered water and reduce caffeine, soft drinks and artificial sweeteners. If you are overweight try to drink water with your meals, eat plenty of salads and whole grains, and avoid pasta and breads. For more information, view my pages on Foods for Sight and Vitamins.

Since you cannot always count on the nutritional value of your daily diet, I encourage people to supplement their meals with a multi-vitamin, B-complex, vitamins C, D, E, lutein and omega-3 fatty acids. Remember to take your fat soluble vitamins with a meal. Additional calcium and magnesium may be necessary for those over 50. Ask your body and ask your doctor.

It is important to stretch and exercise on a regular basis.  More important than just burning calories, exercise (as simple as walking) builds a routine of breathing fully and clearing the mind.

Getting your heart rate up will lower eye pressure, blood pressure and improve your circulatory system. For balance, find quiet moments that will give you the opportunity to perform deep rhythmic breathing to nourish all the cells of your body.

Avoid smoking, excess alcohol consumption and insomnia. It is important to socialize and share your gifts and talents with your friends and community. Being able to forgive, love and share will return those same gifts to you. Community engagement and any form of spiritual practice encourages love, mindfulness and compassion – all of which contribute to the wellness of your body.