Balanced Diet
Drinking Soft Drinks & Skipping Breakfast
Food consumption at breakfast seems to increase activity and improve metabolism.
A five year Minnesota public school study demonstrated that breakfast eaters gained fewer unwanted pounds. This occurs despite the sugar content because there was more fiber and less fat in the cereals and eggs.
On the other hand, people who consume even one diet soda a day are more likely to develop the metabolic syndrome over the years than one who dines daily at a fast food restaurant. Plus the artificial sweeteners are excitotoxins, which can cause tingles, uneasy feelings and even neuropathy with long-term use. Diabetics should avoid those sweeteners or use the herb stevia, or D-xylose.
Have you read the labels on some of the common soft drinks kids may be drinking? The sugar content is high.
Too much sugar may ultimately stress the pancreatic islet cells that produce insulin.
These drinks in excess contribute to the diabetic epidemic, which has an impact on eye health. In the short run, an unbalanced diet can cause ADD, hyperactivity and fatigue.
Are Your Eyes Bigger Than Your Stomach?
Holiday season often means an abrupt change in eating habits…too much sugar, too much fat, and too much for your stomach to hold comfortably. The average stomach capacity is eight cups, however, holiday eating often exceeds the limit. H’ors deurves, a hefty main course with the “fixings” and three scoops of ice cream on that piece of pie and to make matters worse, everybody is inviting you to a party.
Our body responds in the following ways:
* The gallbladder works overtime and may even go into spasms.
* The stomach may quadruple it’s emptying time contributing to bloating.
* The GI track releases a hormone that can induce nausea.
* We absorb large amounts of carbohydrate and then experience drowsiness an hour later (hopefully, we are throwing the party and don’t have to drive home)
* The extra food often leads to incomplete digestion.
Since vision relies on general health, and general health depends on regular habits, I suggest we balance our food intake. Avoid frequent overeating, balance the nutrients and remember to work it off. Just an insight for a happier and healthier holiday season.