Smart Contact Lenses for the Future

The first contact lens that can measure eye pressure, blood sugar, or deliver medication, has hit the market. The Triggerfish has been designed to manage and even treat glaucoma, by using an implanted ring in a contact lens. Glaucoma is characterized by periodic elevation of eye pressure, which is actually measured by the curvature of the cornea. This electromechanical technology, incorporated in the lens, can determine levels of eye pressure elevation and enhance therapeudic management.

Other models are being designed to deliver Glaucoma medication at peak pressure levels and to measure blood sugar in diabetics to enhance therapy. These are still the early days for very creative biomedical field, which can personalize and streamline care. Implantable devices have already been developed to manage chronic and acute eye infections. However, these instruments are basically gradual delivery systems that cannot be regulated. Also, they must be surgically implanted in order to be effective.

Smart contact lenses may become manageable, and comfortable when they are made to be reusable. In these difficult times, cost effectiveness must be considered along with creativity.