February AMD Month

We have an aging demographic in the developed world, so we can expect more people will have aging vision. But that doesn’t have to happen! It is a good time to take inventory of your eyes and vision. Let’s start by recognizing the four major reasons that threaten our sight.

They are:

1. UV light/ sunlight

2. Poor diet

3. Lifestyle choices

4. Stress

Well, all of these items can lead to maculer degeneration, which is a loss of receptor cells in the center of your vision. But – we can resolve to counter each of these with the following:

1. UV-blocking sunglasses during peak solar hours
2 Healthy diet and supplementation
3. Exercise, quit smoking and soft drinks and moderate alcohol
4. Learn to breath and meditate in order to relax

Check how quickly you recover from car headlights. By taking Able-Eyes I can tell you that you will refurbish your retinal cells and recover within 3 – 5 seconds.

Also make sure you take Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin D with meals to maintain memory and vision. Furthermore, the 5 steps to assist a longer life include heart health, exercise, good diet, problem solving and fine motor activities. You may have to take baby steps but they are worth it to reduce your risk or start recovering from macular degeneration (AMD). The Eye Care Revolution and eyeadvisory.com are here to help you in this quest.