The Eyes Have It
Our eyes are the windows to the rest of the body. Their health is dependent on the health of all of our parts. In fact, the liver processes foods, stores important nutrients, removes toxins and is the key organ for eye health. The eyes are not only the conveyer of vision but also reflect abnormalities elsewhere. Pupillary reactions, eye movements and optic nerve appearance can indicate brain damage, stroke, MS or even tumors. This is not surprising when you consider that 40% of the brain is dedicated to serving connections from the eye. The color of the conjunctiva, the appearance of the cataract (cloudy lens of the eye), the retinal blood vessels and peripheral vision can all indicate either local eye disease or systemic abnormalities. Therefore a dilated eye exam is so important for people with medical problems as well as for routine vision maintenance. Take care of your eyes says Dr. Lauren Chandler who detected an evil scheme through her own research and eye exams in Lethal Hindsight.